Race Committee: TBD
The Saratoga Sprint race is a regional inter club challenge race from the MSA "B" mark to the buoy at Baby Island. Alternate courses may be selected at time of the race if winds are insufficient to complete the full course.
This race is also the 5th race in the MSA Mid Distance series.
Starting sequence: The starting sequence will be published in the Sailing Instructions.
Race Course: Posted on a course board near race committee flag and will be comprised of racing marks identified in the MSA racing rules.
Start Line: Unless posted different per MSA rules, the start line will be between the Race Committee flag and the MSA "B" mark.
Finish line: Between the Race Committee flag and the final mark of the race course, unless shortened by the race committee in accordance with the applicable rules.
Time Limit: The time limit is 8 hours with a 30 minute extension if a competitor finishes within 8 hours, unless otherwise posted on the whiteboard near the Race Committee Flag prior to the race start.
Results: Final results for each race and for the series will be posted on the MSA website (milltownsailing.org)