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Milltown Challenge Sailing Series

Getting out on a boat and sailing in the midst of remarkable vistas is a wonderful gift we have in our region. Possession Sound has snow-capped mountain views to all sides, foothills that climb from the water to the sky, city views that shine in the twilight, unique commercial and military vessels, abundant marine life including whales, porpoises, seals, sea lions, leaping salmon, osprey, eagles and the raucous Arctic Terns! We have deep water that is invitingly close to safe harbors, and relatively protected waters with Islands to temper the wind driven swells. To encourage more time on your boat and sharpen your sailing and navigation skills, Milltown is presenting a new series of challenge sailing courses.

There are four fixed length courses which can be sailed at the skipper’s discretion. This allows the skipper to sail when the wind, weather, tide, current, etc. is most favorable for a record attempt in their boat. Skippers will take their own times on the courses and forward these times to the race fleet captain. These times will be corrected based on handicap ratings and recorded. The “record” course times for the year will be continually updated and displayed on the MSA website.

The four challenge courses are:

  • Possessing the Sound – 9 nm around Hat Island
  • Sound-to-Sound – 15 nm from through Possession Sound to Puget Sound and back
  • Island Fever – 24 nm three island triangle comprising navigation marks for Whidbey, Hat and Camano Islands
  • Edmonds Dinner cruise –25 nm from Everett to Edmonds and back in two legs to give opportunity to stop or stay in Edmonds before the return leg.


These courses are open to all Milltown sailing yachts. Boats must have a handicap rating and a current PHRF rating is preferred. If a boat does not have a rating, contact the race fleet captain and a club rating will be determined for the Challenge Courses.

Skippers will assume full responsibility for ensuring their boat is seaworthy and properly outfitted with equipment and safety gear appropriate to the courses, weather, and sailing conditions they may encounter.

A GPS enabled device will be required for taking course times and the mark at Edmonds.


Like the wind, this sailing challenge is FREE!

Attempts and Time Limits:

Skippers may attempt these courses as often as they desire between January 1 and November 1. The second leg of the Edmonds course must be finished within 36 hours of starting the first leg.


Single, double handed, and fully crewed boat divisions for each course.

Start/Finish Line:

All three courses start and finish at a fixed location outside the Snohomish River entrance. The start/finish line is defined as a 3 boat-length line bearing to 90 degrees magnetic from the driver in a normal position to the green navigation dolphin (MSA B-Mark -- Pass to Everett side.)

Recording of times:

Skippers are responsible for recording their own start/finish times. The times will be GPS time. When recording these times, you can take a picture of your electronic chart showing both coordinates and the GPS time. Send time/pictures to MSA race fleet captain.


In order to be scored, skippers must send results to the Race fleet captain within one day of completing a challenge course, identifying the start date, course, start and elapsed times. Photos of GPS time for start and finish are acceptable. No limit on number of attempts for any course.


All course attempt results will be calculated based on handicap, and recorded in a results file on-line. In addition, the fastest corrected single, double and crewed boat for each course will be listed on a results page online. Time-on-Distance will be method used.


Will be included in annual awards but not part of Club Racing Champion scoring.

Course Description:

Possessing the Sound

At 8.6 nautical miles, this is the shortest of the challenge courses. This course starts at the start/finish line B-Mark and around Hat Island (Gedney Island) to either direction. Watch for shallows along the edge of the island, as the depth comes up rapidly in a few areas.

Please record/photograph GPS times/position at Start and Finish. 


This 15.0 nautical mile course is an excellent afternoon/evening run down to Possession Point to peek into Puget Sound and then sail back. This course has the added challenge of crossing the WSF routes twice. In mid to late summer, this course is often a pleasurable reach down and back – if you can avoid the wind hole near Possession Point! Watch for shallows and current when rounding to port or starboard at Possession Point. This course starts/finishes at the B-Mark.

Please record/photograph GPS times/position at Start and Finish.

Island Fever

This 23.7 nautical mile course covers the entire Possession Sound from the Whidbey Island navigation buoy at Possession Point, West of Hat (Gedney) Island, and then up to Camano Head navigation marker before finishing at Everett. This course has the challenge of crossing the WSF routes twice and often heavy currents off of Sandy Point and Camano Head. Part of this course is along the Eastern shore of Whidbey, which is a straight line transit for pleasure vessels heading north, and can get busy in the summer, sometimes including the Victoria Clipper on its daily runs. Watch for shallows when rounding at both Possession Point and Camano Head. This course starts/finishes at the B-Mark.

Please record/photograph GPS times/position at Start and Finish.

Edmonds Dinner Cruise

At 25.0 nautical miles, this is the longest of the challenge courses and has two legs. The outbound leg starts at the standard Start/Finish, down Possession Sound then on to Edmonds. The half way finish or rounding mark, is a coordinate near the Edmonds Marina entrance. The inbound leg is the reverse of the outbound leg

A boat can do the legs back-to-back or can stop in Edmonds for a break. (Maybe even buy the crew dinner!) The only stipulation is the boat must finish the second leg within 36 hours of starting the first leg. This flexibility allows skippers to optimize performance by taking advantage of the most favorable wind and tide forecasts within a 36 hour window.

Please record/photograph GPS position/times at the starts and finishes of both outbound and return legs. This course will be scored by adding the corrected times of the two legs together. Good luck!

Milltown Sailing Association is a 501(c)4 non-profit organization.

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